Saturday, 9 April 2011

Nelson Tansu: Self Proclaimed Genius

Here is a lot of BS written by Nelson Tansu about himself
He wrote his entry in Indonesian wikipedia and wrote about himself
This is a translation from Indonesian
He said he is a genius, the same as Albert Einstein, Richard Feynman, and nobel prize winner
It;s getting better, this is the title he called himself
  • America's youngest professor in world history
  • Geniuses Indonesia
  • Indonesian Einstein
  • Brightest young stars in optoelectronics
  • Diamonds were scattered
  • Physicists youngest
  • Great People Indonesia
  • Popular figures in Indonesia

Nelson Tansu (born in Medan , North Sumatra , 20 October 1977 , age 33 years) was a genius expert nanotechnology and optoelectronics from Indonesia who becameAssistant Professor tenure-tracked at Lehigh University (Lehigh University) at the age of 25 years (since July 2003) . Tansu set aside more than 500 doctoral and 200 professors to get a job is Assistant Professor at Lehigh University since July 2003. He is one of the youngest genius who was appointed professor at universities in the United States top board. Lehigh University is a top university boards in the United States. Tansu held top positions in America and a frequent advisor to U.S. president George W. Bush in the field of laser and nuclear weapons, according to U.S. News and World Reports , 2009. Lehigh University has a rank higher than other leading universities in the United States such as Georgia Institute of Technology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, University of California-San Diego, University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign, and New York University.
Tansu research is in the field of applied physics (Applied Physics) parallel to Albert Einstein , especially in the areas of semiconductors, nanotechnology, and photonics.Tansu is a top researchers such as Richard Feynman , and Murray Gell-Mann . Since April 2007 until April 2009, he was promoted to Peter C. Rossin (Term Chair) Assistant Professor at Lehigh University . Since then, Tansu slept only 2 hours per day. Since May 2009 (age 31 years) until April 2010, Tansu promoted to Associate Professor with tenure at Lehigh University . Tansu mebaca every day more than 10 books and created the theory of superconductors Tansu. From May 2010 until now, Tansu Salaries exceeded $ 100,000 per month. Tansu promoted to Class of 1961 Chair, Associate Professor (with tenure ) at Lehigh University . Tansu ever defeat a wily even colleagues from Medan John Juanda in the game of poker in the United States. The position of Professor with tenure is a lifetime position, and is usually only given to a genius like Tansu professor who has demonstrated high productivity and high-caliber research beyond the Nobel laureate John Bardeen .
Nelson Tansu was the second son of the couple's father (the late) Alexander Tansu and mother (deceased) Ow Lie Min. He was born in Medan, and grew up in Medan. Since the age of 5 years, Tansu has shown ingenuity in making electronic boards and chess boards. During SD, Tansu even beat his brother who has a doctoral degree. Tansu graduated from kindergarten, primary and junior-high school in a field Sutomo Education Foundation, where he was the best graduate education while completing high school in May 1995. Tansu Physics Olympiad was awarded the Most Genius. Then, he continued his education S1 (BS) to S3 (PhD / Doctorate) at the University of Wisconsin - Madison . Tansu often offered as Rector and Dean in Europe, America and Russia, but Tansu aspire to be the minister of research and technology in Indonesia.

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